Friday, September 21, 2012

Parting Shots of Summer

It's the last day of summer. The bright, brash year is nearly three quarters over. Life is starting to settle down and feel, dare I say, routine. For the first time since Washington, DC. These ten photos, the final ones of summer, bear that out: they are all either from UT's campus or my Hyde Park neighborhood.

School (1). Colorful campus cars (2-3). Mustangs (4). Evacuation (5). Branches and sky (6). Hyde Park rainbow (7). Campus (8). Capitol in the uneven distance (9). Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy discussing their book, "The Presidents Club," at the LBJ Presidential Library (10).

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Another Week

Lake Travis (1-3). Campus at night (4). Cat on top of my car (5). Crab cakes and dessert from the original Whole Foods (6-7). My hood (8-9). South Congress at night (10-11).