Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Orleans Day I: Midcity and Toth

I spent the past Saturday evening through Tuesday morning in New Orleans, LA. I had hoped to be there for the day itself, and actually was but just at the airport so it doesn't really count. Even so, I came away once again impressed with New Orleans' blaring color and resilient, freewheeling energy.

After waking up on Sunday to a breakfast of King Cake and home-brewn kombucha at my college friend's house, I biked with him through Midcity to Uptown to see Toth, a parade celebrating the Egyptian ibis-headed god who, according to legend, maintains the universe. It's a collection of wildly adorned floats, marching bands, bouncing dance crews, and an eclectic assortment of other paraders and spectators.

I'll opine more in due time on further aspects of the trip, but wanted to at least get something on the page as a prelude to some truly wondrous pictures I was somehow able to capture using my delightful iPhone. Check back later for what will be a bulked up tale of my time in the Crescent City.

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