Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dallas / Austin Amidst SXSW

Last weekend I spent some time in Dallas and Austin amidst the festivities of the South By Southwest conference with a friend visiting from DC. Exploring the city with a visitor is a great excuse to revisit landmarks and take in new sites you've only heard about. This is some of what we saw.

(1-2.) Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas on my way to Dallas. (3-5.) Downtown Dallas. (6-10.) Sculptures on the campus of Southern Methodist University just outside Dallas. (11-12.) The George W. Bush Institute on the SMU campus. It's scheduled to open next month in April. (13.) UT's Tower. (14-15.) Sixth Street during SXSW. (16.) Town Lake. (17.) Diner on South Congress. (18-20.) Mount Bonnell, the highest point in Austin. (21-22.) Keeping Austin weird.

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