Friday, June 7, 2013

Royal Gorge

New Mexico may be the land of enchantment, but Colorado is the land of wonder. Every new place I see in this state makes me want to explore it more. I drove through southeastern Colorado today en route to Royal Gorge and loved the sandstone crags of rock and distant peaks along Interstate 25.

When I stopped at a Wal-Mart in Pueblo, I was greeted by a recall effort to remove a state legislator who had voted for gun control.

My next stop was Royal Gorge Park. This epic canyon and historic bridge has been overrun by a kitschy park (think carousel, caged bison, and Wild West show), but seeing the bridge and gorge is still worth the steep ($26) price of admission. The bridge is the highest in the United States.

In addition to walking across the bridge (multiple times) and watching the Arkansas River rush 1,053 feet below, I also took the inclined train down the side of the gorge's granite walls to see the rushing water firsthand and dangled in an ariel tram that offered gasp-inducing views through the jagged walls.

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