Monday, May 14, 2012

Last Days of Employment

Friday was the last day of my first job. First real job, that is. I retired as an economic litigation consulting analyst. I'd worked at the same firm for going on four years (started in July 2008) and look back positively on the experience. Every job has it's ups and downs, as this one did, but overall I can't imagine a better place to spend my first few years out of college.

My fellow analysts, in particular, were an astronomical bunch of brainy individuals who I learned a lot from and immensely enjoyed spending most days with. Chief among these fellow analysts was my wonderful Serbian officemate, who I am pictured with below. She like me just left the firm and will be attending business school in London.

I'll miss the sense of purpose a job gives and earning an income, but am grateful for the experience and excited about moving forward. Goodbyes are generally an awkward thing for me, but I ended the day Friday with work friends atop the roof of our downtown building soaking in the 70 degree sunset, a fitting farewell.

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