Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gone To Texas

I left Wisconsin behind last Friday, a week ago today. I've been to Austin, and now I've already left. The leaving in no way reflects poorly on Austin. Austin's fantastic. It and its people are bright and weird and hot and orange.

The leaving rather was brought about by an opportunity to visit two more national parks. Specifically, Guadalupe Mountains, containing the highest peak in Texas, and Carlsbad Caverns, a deep, stalagified void beneath the earth in New Mexico.

Getting from Wisconsin to Texas was mercifully uneventful. Aside for nearly running out of gas along a vast, exit-less stretch of the Kansas Turnpike, I arrived without much trouble. After leaving Appleton, I even saw a few cool things on the way and once I arrived...

A giant windmill blade being escorted down an Iowa interstate. An ethereal sunset over Wichita, Kansas. A sign welcoming me to Texas by name. Some good advice on a restaurant sign in Austin's Hyde Park neighborhood just north of campus. Hyde Park will tentatively be my new home.

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