Saturday, January 21, 2012

Whole Foods

One final place in Austin that warrants mention is the original Whole Foods. Situated in downtown Austin just west of the capitol, it's a beacon of nutritious goodness. Different than a typical grocery store, the original Whole Foods has a number of restaurant like lounges throughout the store serving seafood, wine, and pastries as well as a giant salad bar/a la carte cafeteria area at the end of the grocery run.

Instead of the prices being stuck on the shelves, each price is displayed on a digital tag. Super smart way to avoid menu costs! Of course, the upfront cost is higher, but it must make economic sense or else they wouldn't do it. I thought the produce and build-your-own-trailmix sections of the store were especially nice. I also enjoyed a delectable salad from the salad bar: greens, onions, carrots, tofu, salmon, tuna, garbanzo beans, quinoa, with a Tahini Sesame dressing (there may have been other ingredients those are just all the ones I can recall).

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